Monday, July 1, 2013

Working on a NEW CD!!

      So excited to say that we are working on our new CD!! Too excited, By the way this is Nika.  We have been working in the studio for a while now, and we are looking forward to completing it and sharing it with you guys. We've had a ton of fun so far, Late nights, early mornings, but it's not everyday you record a new cd.  We have been writing for this CD since last year! We feel like God has taught us so much since then and are honored we can share it with you guys. We've had some crazy life experiences, storms, and really high moments, so we've had a lot to write about!  PLUS, we have an amazing God who inspires us to sing and play everyday! We just want to take a second just to thank yall for supporting us this long so we can do another CD!!!!!!!! Wow! We are so blessed.  We have so much to be thankful for and can't wait till the release ;) Wish we could say more but there will be more news ahead!! Thanks for reading this! Love -Nika                                    

Friday, February 8, 2013


            Someone asked me (Nicole) a question today, "Where does my conviction of my faith come from"? That really triggered a lot of thoughts in my head.  I am still learning and thinking on this but I feel that my conviction of my faith comes from the more time with I spend with God (of course) but more importantly the more times I OBEY God.

           I meet these people all the time that just inspire me spiritually and make me want to influence others the way that they do. I feel like their conviction in their faith is just resonated through their obedience. They read their Bible... yeah, they fellowship with other Christians... yeah, they have a great prayer time.... Im sure, but when God puts those words down, answers their prayers (even the way they don't want them to be answered) they do what He says.... bottom line. A lot of us, hear God and maybe obey on a lot of things that we want to obey with, but we skip those certain things. We skip them because we don't see the "big picture" or we don't see the positive because we are too busy thinking negative. We don't have the faith that He knows whats best or we would OBEY Him. Then we forget God ever told us to do what He asked us to do. Later on, it may come up again and we ignore it again and again. What I really mean by all this is that our conviction comes from obeying Gods words, and seeing His plan pay off spiritually. The more you obey Him makes you more passionate and confident  in His words. That confidence will come in handy in those tough decisions.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Red Heads in HOLLYWOOD!!

Pics from LA!

Hollywood Blvd.!!!

Crazy tall building...

Nika goin SOLO at THE GROVE 
HOLLYWOOD sign WAAAAAYYY in the back.
Kids these days can never get off their phones.