Monday, June 13, 2011

40 Days for Life Silent Prayer Protest

Watch the 3 Videos and read below about our Pro-Life Protest!
Part 1                                               Part 2                                               Part 3

       Us girls are very passionate about being Pro-Life.  The 40 Days for Life Spring Campaign had its kick-off, so we decided to take a part in silent protesting.  We visited our local Planned Parenthood, and we prayed there for it to be shut down.  It was very encouraging to see the Pro-Life clinic set-up right across the street of it right beside a Chuckie Cheese (very ironic, and the owners of that Chuckie Cheese are pro-life btw) We met a lady that day who came to the clinic every day for ten or more years, and she would pray and give information regarding abortion to the clients there who would listen.  She was very inspiring.  She told us that she has seen 4 abortion clinics close down due to prayer, and a number of doctors actually quit.  It was great to hear that earlier that month a lady told her that 19 years ago she was going to abort her daughter, but she was too embarrassed to go through with it because that lady was out there.  It's great to see a loving and non-judgmental approach to protesting.  We definitely learned a lot that day and pray for the mothers who have aborted and are considering abortions.
Here's info regarding 40 Days for Life:
Here's info regarding the Pro-Life stance:


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